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 Exalted House Rules

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PostSubject: Exalted House Rules   Exalted House Rules Icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 1:47 am

The following are house rules that are currently in effect. Make sure you read through these changes and understand them. They are currently in effect and add to or replace the rules in the Core book.

Sturdy Stamina
Health Levels are calculated for an adult human thus: 5 + Stamina. The wound penalties each health level has follow a pattern. Your first health level is always -0. Your last two health levels are -4 and Incapacitated, in that order. The remaining health levels are split evenly between -1 and -2 beginning with -2. As an additional benefit to high Stamina characters, the 5th (as well as 10th, 15th, etc) dot in Stamina gives a -0 health level rather than a -1 or -2.

Mental Defense Values
Dodge MDV is now calculated as the following: (Appearence + Integrity + Essence)/2 rounding up. Instead of giving up to +/-3 to MDVs, Appearance now compares to Temperance and, if higher than attacker's Temperance, gives the difference between the two Traits as a die penalty to the attack roll. This effect has no limit to it's magnitude.
Parry MDV is calculated as ([Attribute] + [Ability] + Linguistics)/2, round up.

Craft and Occult Knowledges
These skills are very general, and have several sub-categories. To fix this, each dot placed into these Abilities give you 1 Knowledge Point. You spend that Knowledge point on one of the Ability's sub-categories to gain proficiency.
Craft Knowledges max out at 5. If you buy a Specialty in a specific sub-category, not only will you get the dice bonus to Craft, but you also increase the level of Knowledge in that category.
Craft (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood) < - Mundane crafts. Each level in this category allows you to craft higher and higher quality goods. 1 = normal, 2= fine, 3= exceptional, 4 = perfect. At level 5 you get a permanent difficulty reduction of 2 to Craft anything in this category.
Craft (Magitech, Genesis, etc) < - Magical crafts. Each level in this category allows you to craft a higher level of Artifact or Manse.
Occult Knowledges are the Thaumaturgal Arts, which max out at 3. It should be noted that Occult (Geomancy) is required to build Manses.
Buying additional Knowledges costs 2xp with a week of training (1xp for Caste or Favored, with no training)

Punches, Kicks, and Clinches
The Punch/Kick, Gauntlet/Iron Boot and Smashfist/God-Kicking Boots are unbalanced. The body part used in the attack doesn't matter anymore; these variations may be used in any type of 'basic' attack.

Unarmed Attacks
Light: Spd 4 Acc +1 Dam +0B Def +2 Rate 3
Heavy: Spd 5 Acc 0 Dam +3B Def -2 Rate 2
Clinch: Spd 6 Acc 0 Dam +0B Def - Rate 1 (piercing)

Gautlets & Iron Boots (Resource 2 cost for 2 gloves & 2 boots)
Light: Spd 5 Acc +1 Dam +3B Def +2 Rate 2
Heavy: Spd 5 Acc 0 Dam +6B Def -3 Rate 2
Clinch: Spd 6 Acc 0 Dam +3B Def - Rate 1 (Piercing)

Smashfists & Smashfeet (Artifact 1 for the two Smashfists or Smashfeet, Artifact 2 for the whole set)
Light: Spd 4 Acc +2 Dam +5B Def +3 Rate 3 (Piercing)
Heavy: Spd 5 Acc +1 Dam +9B Def -1 Rate 2 (Piercing)
Clinch: Spd 6 Acc +1 Dam +7B Def - Rate 1 (Piercing)

God-Killing Hand (Artifact 2 for the single weapon. It resembles over-sized armor you wear on one arm.)
Light: Spd 5 Acc +1 Dam +8B/4 Def +1 Rate 2 (Piercing)
Heavy: Spd 6 Acc +0 Dam +12B/4 Def -2 Rate 1 (Piercing)
Clinch: Spd 6 Acc +0 Dam +10B/4 Def - Rate 1 (Piercing)

Jumping Distances
As the current jumping distances are quite unrealistic and believable, I have changed them to the following limits.
Vertical jump is (Str + Ath)/4 for Mortals. (Str + Ath)/2 for Exalted.
Standing jump is (Str+Ath)/2 for Mortals. (Str + Ath) for Exalted.
Running jump is (Str + Ath) for Mortals. 2x(Str + Ath) for Exalted.
A running jump is whenever a character has at least 3 yards to run before jumping.

Artifact Articulated Plate and Superheavy Plate (rank 4 and 5) also include Smashfists and Smashfeet of the appropriate material at no additional cost (in either attunement or artifact dots). Being punched or kicked by Artifact gauntlets and boots is just as damaging as with weapons.

Sorcery and Necromancy
Obtaining the Initiation Charms provides 1 free Spell in the appropriate Circle.
Each shaping action costs 1 willpower, as opposed to paying the full willpower cost up front. If a 2nd circle or higher spell is disrupted before it is completed, any unspent willpower is not lost.
Divide the total cost of a 2nd or 3rd circle spell by 2 or 3 (respectively), this is the amount paid per shaping action in motes (add any odd remainder to the last shaping action). If a spell is disrupted before it is completed, the caster need not spend the motes for any actions they hadn’t taken yet.
Motes and willpower may be committed to “prepare” the tapestry of a spell. So long as the cost remains committed, the character may perform the required shaping actions at no further cost and invoke the spell an unlimited number of times. Ritual spells may not be prepared this way.
Example: For 15 motes and 1 willpower committed, a character may take a single shape-sorcery action whenever they like to cast Death of Obsidian Butterflies.

Each level of stunt gives a bonus success on rolls (instead of bonus dice), and increases static ratings by the stunt level.
I have removed this house rule as I am finding that I do not like it.

Attacking DV Penalties
No DV penalty from making an attack, unless it's a flurry. A guard action now adds a bonus to DV.

Quick Draw and Kip-Up
A few Miscellaneous actions were missing, I felt. The first is Quick Draw. The DV penalty for Quick Draw is -2, and the Speed is determined as following: (Speed of Weapon Drawn - lower of character's Dexterity or proper combat Ability). Thrown and Unarmed Attacks are always Quick Drawn at a Speed of 0 and DV penalty of 1 as per normal.
The second is a jump-up in place of standing for added 'awesome'. A Kip-Up is a Speed 3 action with a -2 DV penalty. You roll Dex + Athletics, Diff: 1. On a failure, your character stands up at Spd 5, but retains the -2 DV penalty.

Dice Penalties
If a dice pool would be reduced below 0 by penalties before charm use, it is instead reduced to 0, and then the difficulty is increased by the remainder.

Staying Awake Extended Periods
After each interval of time equal to 8 hours x (Stamina + Resistance), you must make a Stamina + Resistance roll DC 1. Success allows you to remain awake, but with a cumulative -1 Internal Penalty to all actions thereafter. Failure indicates you have fallen asleep. When the Internal Penalty is equal to the lower of your Essence or Willpower, you can no longer respire (regenerate) motes naturally. When the Internal Penalty is equal to the greater of your Essence or Willpower, you can no longer gain motes of Essence from any source. When you do fall asleep willingly or not, you remain asleep for 8 hours + 2 hours for each Internal Penalty accrued. If you pass out, you can only be awoken before this time has passed trough supernatural effects or taking damage. If you go to sleep willingly, you can be woken up before this time passes and your penalty will be reduced by an amount in relation to the sleep you got. After the reason you were woken passes, you must then make another Stamina + Resistance roll to remain awake again. When you've finally gotten enough sleep, you wake without any penalties or the ill effects they bring as a result.

Recovering Willpower and Virtue Channeling
Whenever you take a significant step towards fulfilling your Motivation (determined by the ST), you may recover half of your maximum Willpower. If you spend a scene involved in a meaningful way with one of your Intimacies, you may recover two spent Willpower.
When channeling Virtues, you spend a Willpower point and cross out a Virtue Channel, as per normal. However, instead of simply extra dice, you also receive the automatic success that spending a Willpower usually provides.

Regaining Resources
Whenever you make a Resource purchase that would normally cause the loss of a permanent dot, instead simply cross out that dot. Permanent dots of Resources imply that your character knows how to maintain that Resource dot with a job, craft, thievery, stipend or other sort of activity or property that your character should be assumed to be doing or own already. Therefore, a month later, you 'regain' one dot of your Resources, un-crossing it out. As a note, buying anything in bulk (100 or more at a time) of a lower Resource cost should be considered a purchase of 1 Resource dot higher.

Selling Items
Whenever you sell an item, compare it to your Resources. If the item was sold for a price higher than your permanent dots, ghost in an extra temporary dot to account for your sudden income. Selling something at a Resource level lower than your permanent dots yields no benefit. Selling something with a cost twice your permanent rating gives you two temporary extra dots of Resources. If you sell something and have any dots crossed out from previous purchases, compare this to how many dots you have un-crossed. If the thing you sold is worth more dots than those you have left, you may regain one dot of Resources. If you've sold something twice the amount of dots than you have left, you may regain two dots of Resources, perhaps even gaining a temporary dot over your permanent rating (For example, assuming you have Resources 3, but have recently made a purchase so have your 3rd dot crossed out. Then you sell an item worth Resources 4. You may un-cross 2 dot, but since that is double you current, you regain your 3rd dot and also get a temporary 4th) Temporary dots are removed after two months, assuming that eventually the extra money is used up.

Crafting Faster, Easier, and way more fun
The current crafting system is slow and impractical. Sure, maybe it's realistic, but that's not the point of Exalted. You want your Twilight to pick up a bunch of parts and walk away with an Essence Cannon.

Dice Pool: The Dice Pool for Crafting is ALWAYS Intelligence + Craft. Fine motor control (Dex) and attention to detail (Per) are relevant, but you shouldn't need three Attributes for this task.

Researching Designs: With enough time, your character should be able to find a proper design for the thing he wants to make. Researching designs is an Intelligence + Lore roll. You are allowed make this roll once per day as many times as the Storyteller allows based on how extensive your library or wherever you're researching.
0 Successes: No Design - You have to start from scratch, +5 successes required to build.
1 Success: Good references - Standard building time
3 Successes: Partially complete Design - Successes needed reduced by 1/4
5 Successes: Complete Design - Successes needed reduced by 1/2.

Manpower: The following Crafting chart assumes that you're working alone. But the bigger the project, the more help that can be used. If your character can assemble a Magnitude of assistants equal to one less than the Resource/Artifact rating of the attempted project, you may use the Duration between rolls as if it were Resource/Artifact rating less (Duration in Hours is reduced by half). However, this also increases the Resource Cost by 1, assuming you're paying the people helping you. If you wish, you may continue hiring a larger magnitude to further reduce the duration by one Resource/Artifact rating, increasing the Resource Cost again by 1. However, after that point there's too many chefs in the kitchen.

Crafting Mundane Items: The Difficulty, Needed Successes, Duration between Rolls, Resource Cost and Craft Knowledge prerequisites are based on the Resources cost to buy the item.
1 = Diff: 1, 5 successes, Duration: 6 Hours per roll, Resource Cost: 0, Craft Knowledge 1
2 = Diff: 1, 10 successes, Duration: Day per Roll, Resource Cost: 1, Craft Knowledge 1
3 = Diff: 2, 20 successes, Duration: Week per Roll, Resource Cost: 2, Craft Knowledge 2
4 = Diff: 2, 35 successes, Duration: Month per Roll, Resource Cost: 3, Craft Knowledge 2
5 = Diff: 3, 55 successes, Duration: Season per Roll, Resource Cost:4, Craft Knowledge 3

Crafting Artifacts: The Artifact rating of the desired project determines the same variables as mundane items, except that exotic materials are also required. (If a magical material is desired to make the Artifact, it counts as a single exotic material). The Ability prerequisites follow different rules. Most Artifacts can be made simply with a Knowledge in Magitech equal to the Artifact rating. Any Artifact that will incur a Repair cost requires your Lore skill to be at least one less than the Artifact rating required to build due to the fast that you're probably basing your design off of First Age or Shogunate research.
1 = Diff: 2, 10 successes, Duration: Day per Roll, Resource Cost: 2, Exotic Materials: 1
2 = Diff: 2, 25 successes, Duration: Week per Roll, Resource Cost: 3, Exotic Materials: 2
3 = Diff: 3, 45 successes, Duration: Month per Roll, Resource Cost: 4, Exotic Materials: 3
4 = Diff: 3, 70 successes, Duration: Season per Roll, Resource Cost: 5, Exotic Materials: 4
5 = Diff: 4, 100 successes, Duration: Year per Roll, Resource Cost:6*, Exotic Materials: 5
* - Resource costs over 5: When the Resource cost goes up to 6, then you require a Sponsor. The Sponsor must also have a Resource rating of 5 to properly aid you financially. However, both you and the Sponsor lose one Resource dot as if you both had just made a Resource 5 purchase. To prevent your Sponsors from losing too much money, you may find three times the number of Sponsors required. No matter how many Sponsors you gain, you always will lose one Resource dot. (See above for regaining Resources).
6 = 1 Sponsor or 3 to avoid Resource loss
7 = 2 Sponsors or 5 to avoid Resource loss
8 = 3 Sponsors or 7 to avoid Resource loss
If you somehow manage to raise the Resource cost above 8, then just follow this pattern.

Specialty Costs
Buying Specialties with Exp in Caste or Favored Abilities cost 2 Exp instead of 3 and require no training time.

A character may spend 1xp per charm to copy part of a combo they already possess when building a new combo, instead of paying the normal value. All charms copied must be part of a single combo the character already knows. Training time for the new combo does not include the value of copied charms.
Example - A Solar meleeist has a combo of (1st Excellency, Hungry Tiger Technique, Fire and Stones Strike, One-Weapon Two-Blows). They are creating combo of (1st Excellency, Hungry Tiger Technique, Iron Whirlwind Attack, Dipping Swallow Defense), and may spend 2xp to include the excellency and hungry tiger in the new combo, in addition to the cost of Iron Whirlwind and Dipping Swallow.

Training Attributes
It's easy to imagine how your character could be training their Abilities, but it's very abstract to imagine training Attributes. Therefore, your character is considered to be ALWAYS training their Attributes, with the training time only serving as a cooldown period between Attribute increases. You can never get a Tutor to reduce this time.

Last edited by Alazair on Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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Exalted House Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exalted House Rules   Exalted House Rules Icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 4:36 pm


When translating anything, when you fail, you are not allowed to try again until you increase your knowledge on the subject. In an instance in which this may happen without any additional modification to the character (such as Lore or Linguistics bonuses), the StoryTeller can decide if the event was significant enough to warrant another attempt.

A character who fails a translation can spend one mote of willpower to try again in the future whenever they want, but at least after an instance of sleep. If a character fails again afterwards, they pay 1+(x/3) mote(s) of willpower, where x is every failed attempt that they spent a mote of willpower on in this way.
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Number of posts : 72
Age : 38
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Exalted House Rules Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Exalted House Rules Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-05-10

Exalted House Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exalted House Rules   Exalted House Rules Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2009 7:27 am

If the characters involved in this game were mortals, I would agree with that limitation on retrying feats that should, under normal logic, be more difficult or impossible after the first attempt, but these are Exalts. The Chosen of the gods with the power to shape Creation to their will. Therefore, I will not be implementing that rule.

If you noticed, only one of all of my changes is actually decreasing the traits, and even then, it decreases one while increasing another to balance the two. I try not to create extra limitations in Exalted as limitations serve to remove the "Awesome" factor from the game.

In any other game, I would agree completely as a mortal should not be able to attempt something that is based off of knowledge a second time while not increasing their knowledge without a higher difficulty.

On that note, this 'may' be something I impose upon Mortal characters in Exalted, 'possibly' even on Heroic Mortals. Though I won't be including it in my list of house rules because I don't know of any time in the reasonably foreseeable future that it would take effect.
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Number of posts : 72
Age : 38
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Registration date : 2008-05-10

Exalted House Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exalted House Rules   Exalted House Rules Icon_minitimeThu Jan 08, 2009 7:37 am

I will be altering the structure of this thread in the future. I will split the house rules into four posts. The first will be the rules that players need to know for character creation. The second post will be those that will apply to gameplay in a reasonably often interval. The third post are things that I will be using that differ from what is printed in the books but shouldn't have a significant effect on the gameplay. They are just available for review should you like to read them. The fourth post is for clarifications to unclear bits that are printed in the book. This includes typos and confusing wording. If any of you have any questions as to the implication of something written, please ask me and I may add it to the fourth post.

I may add additional posts in the future. Those posts will be blatant changes to large portions of the books. They will be relevant by the time I post them, but will be too large to place in the first post. This will mostly be re-creations of entire Charm trees. For those Charm trees, you will look at those posts instead of at the respective books. Once I complete and implement them, the book Charm trees will be obsolete and not used. I have not decided if this will be a retroactive change or not. I believe it may be, but only for certain campaigns. I intend to have at least one additional campaign running or about to start or be introduced on these forums by then.
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Number of posts : 72
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Registration date : 2008-05-10

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PostSubject: Re: Exalted House Rules   Exalted House Rules Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2009 2:35 pm

Alright well, I guess it's time for my absolutely huge list of house rules. I will probably be adding/removing from these as I think of them/find the ones that I had last I played/find more I like. I'll try to organize these in some manner, though I'm not guaranteeing anything.

Sturdy Stamina
Health Levels are calculated for an adult human thus: 5 + (Stamina x 2). Every character starts with a single -0 health level and gains another for every 5 ranks of Stamina he possesses. A character's -1 and -2 health levels begin at 1 each, then gains another 1 for every rank of Stamina gained, skipping multiples of 5. The health levels gained are alternated between the -1 and -2, starting with -2, then adding to -1 and continuing until all Stamina is accounted for. A character's -4 health levels is exactly equal to his rank in Stamina. The following chart depicts the progression:

1 Sta = 1x-0/1x-1/2x-2/1x-4/Incap
2 Sta = 1x-0/2x-1/2x-2/2x-4/Incap
3 Sta = 1x-0/2x-1/3x-2/3x-4/Incap
4 Sta = 1x-0/3x-1/3x-2/4x-4/Incap
5 Sta = 2x-0/3x-1/3x-2/5x-4/Incap

Experience Needs No Bonus
Instead of entering character creation with 15 Bonus Points, you start with 45 Experience points and use Experience point costs. Experience is given throughout the game to spend. Experience costs are no longer increasing as a Trait increases, but are static throughout. The new costs are as follows:

Attribute 12 (9 if Favored or Caste)
Ability 6 (4 if Favored or Caste/Aspect)
Background 3 (6 if raised above 3)
Specialty 3 (2 if Favored or Caste/Aspect)
Virtue 9
Willpower 10
Intimacies 0 (All characters must now start with [Compassion] Intimacies and may have up to Wp + Comp at no cost)
Solar Essence 21 (In character creation only)
Celestial Essence 24 (In character creation only)
Terrestrial Essence 30 (In character creation only)
Solar Charms 12 (10 if Favored or Caste)
Celestial Charms 14 (12 if Favored or Caste)
Terrestrial Charms 14 (12 if Favored or Caste)
Celestial MA Charms 17 (14 if Favored or Aspect [Dragon-Blooded only])
Sidereal MA Charms 16 (14 if Favored or Aspect [Sidereals only])
Knacks 13
Astrology Colleges 12 (10 in Maiden's Colleges)

Passive Essence
Beyond character creation, Essence rating increases are no longer able to be purchased with Exp. The purity and understanding of Essence a character possesses is not expanded by sitting and meditating; rather it is the constant usage, experimentation, and manipulation of Essence that Exalts maintain throughout their lives. As such, an Exalt's Essence rating increases passively and at no cost once a certain amount of Exp has been spent on increasing other Traits. Even if enough Exp has been earned, Essence does not increase until the Exp has been spent. The ratings are achieved once the following number of Exp has been spent and the Exp distributed in character creation do not count into the calculations. The amount of Exp expenditure required to increase Essence is the same for all Exalt types.

Essence 3 after 75 Exp
Essence 4 after 150 Exp
Essence 5 after 300 Exp
Essence 6 after 550 Exp
Essence 7 after 900 Exp
Essence 8 after 1350 Exp
Essence 9 after 1900 Exp
Essence 10 after 2700 Exp

Exalts of the Ox
The Chosen needn't put effort into becoming more resilient to pain and injury than mere mortals. As such, they automatically gain all copies of the Ox-Body Techinque Charm (or equivilent) they qualify for at no cost. An additional requirement is placed upon this Charm to limit it's distribution. An Exalt may know one copy per Essence rating to a maximum of their rating in Resistance (Stamina for Lunars). As soon as the lower of their Essence or Resistance (Stamina for Lunars) increases, the Exalt immediately gains a new copy of Ox-Body Technique (or equivilent).

Variant Attributes
Even though, realistically, manual dexterity would have a part in all of the tasks it is currently used for, one must compare and balance all of the Attributes for each game played. Therefore, since Dexterity is used for everything, I am weakening it by removing some of those things from its jurisdiction and strengthening others by placing those same calculations there. Similar to this change to Dexterity is the actions of Social Combat. Dodge MDV was simply too powerful whereas Parry MDV had no hope of being even nearly useful in comparison, in most cases. Therefore, the actions are altered to exist as following:

Close range attacks (Melee or MA) - Dexterity + Ability
Long range attacks (Archery or Thrown) - Perception + Ability
Physical DVs (Melee, MA, or Dodge) - Wits + Ability
Social Dodge MDV - Appearance + Integrity + Essence / 2 Round up
Social Parry MDV - Attribute (Charisma or Manipulation) + Ability (Performance or Presence or Investigation) + Linguistics / 2 Round up
Appearance is no longer contesting against Appearance, but against the Temperance of the defender. Otherwise, it has the same effect.

Exponentially Diverse Essence
Though Exalts are all Exalts, they are vastly differing beings created with different purposes and strengths. They have different abilities, powers, and understandings of the world around them, including the flows of Essence. Because of this, all Exalt types should draw from differing aspects of their being when determining how much Essence they can effectively command. The formulas for calculating the size of their mote pools are altered to follow this truth and are as follows (Remember the order of operations; multiplication and division before addition and subtraction):

Solar, Abyssal, and Infernal Exalts
Essence x (Low Virtue + 1) + Willpower
Essence x (Essence + 5) + Willpower + High Virtue x Low Virtue

Lunar Exalts
Willpower / 2 x High Virtue + Essence x 2
Willpower x (High Virtue + Third Virtue - 1) + Essence x Second Virtue

Sidereal Exalts
Essence x (Third Virtue - 1) + Willpower + Low Virtue x 2
Essence x (High Virtue + Third Virtue - 4) + Willpower / 2 x Essence + Virtue Sum x 2

Terrestrial Exalts
Essence + Willpower / 2 x Low Virtue + Breeding
Essence x (Essence + 2) / 3 + Willpower / 2 x Second Virtue + High Virtue + Breeding x Low Virtue

The Terrestrial Breeding calculation is not the bonus listed in the book. Instead, it is the exact rating. Both the Terrestrials and the Lunars have an additional limitation to these formulas. Only a limited amount of their Willpower, High Virtue, and Second Virtue is counted for the calculations. The ratings may be as high as other rules dictate, but only the amounts listed in the following table will be considered for determining the maximum mote pools of each Exalt type. This restriction is lifted gradually as the Exalt increases in Essence rating as follows, High Virtue, Second Virtue, and Willpower, respectively:

Essence 2: 4/3/7
Essence 3: 4/3/8
Essence 4: 4/4/8
Essence 5: 5/4/9
Essence 6: 5/5/10

Singular Crafting

Last edited by Alazair on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:14 am; edited 11 times in total
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Number of posts : 72
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Registration date : 2008-05-10

Exalted House Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exalted House Rules   Exalted House Rules Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 3:35 am

Excellency Plethora
Those blessed with Exaltation find themselves infinitely better at accomplishing tasks than when they were mortal. Tasks that once were hard are now trivial, but that expertise comes only with expenditure through the usage of the Excellency Charms. These Charms have been rewritten and reworked. Each Exalt type has their own variations to the Excellencies and General Charms. Excellencies are no longer separated by Ability or Attribute, so now there is only a single of each type of Excellency for each Exalt type. An Exalt automatically and freely gains The First and Second Excellency (if they have a Second Excellency) at creation, then gains the Third upon reaching Essence 3, the new minimum for that Charm. Any Charms that require [any two Excellencies] now requires the Third Excellency. The Charms are now written as follows(Make sure to note the Type and descriptions):

Solar Exalted
Automatically learns the First and Second Excellency at Essence 2 and the Third at Essence 3. Any Charms that require [Any Two Excellencies] now requires the Third Excellency. The dice adding limit is equal to (Attribute + Ability)

Solar Essence Overwhelming
Cost: 1m per die; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 attacker or Step 2 defender)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: None

Solars with this Charm are known for their moments of brilliance. The Exalt's player may invoke this Charm when making a roll based on any Ability they have at a rating above zero. This Charm then adds one die to that roll for each mote spent, up to a maximum of (Attribute + Ability) extra dice. Characters may also use this Charm to enhance unrolled uses of any Ability. When enhancing static values, every two dice purchased with this Charm raises the static value by one. Static values may not be increased by more than half the relevant (Attribute + Ability). Refer to the Charms and Pools sidebar in Exalted, page 185.

Solar Essence Triumphant
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Solar Essence Overwhelming

Solars with this Charm are known for their unwavering perfection. This Charm improves Solar Essence Overwhelming, allowing the Solar's player to trade dice purchased with Solar Essence Overwhelming for automatic successes, at a ratio of two purchased dice for one automatic success. Each success purchased still counts as two dice toward the dice adding limit. She may not convert dice other than those purchased through Solar Essence Overwhelming.

Solar Essence Resurgent
Cost: - (4m); Mins: Essence 3; Type Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Solar Essence Triumphant

Solars with this Charm deny failure. This Charm is a permanent enhancement to Solar Essence Overwhelming and allows the Exalt to spend an additional four motes after making a roll. She may then make the roll again, using the new result if she prefers it. The effects of this Charm may be used in conjunction with the effects of the previous two Charms and when used, apply the additional dice or successes to both rolls. The effects of this Charm count as adding four dice against the dice adding limit.

Infinite Solar Mastery
Cost: 2m+, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Solar Essence Overwhelming

The Solar Exalted are infinite wells of talent. Every two motes committed to this Charm reduces the mote cost of Solar Essence Overwhelming for a single Ability ranked 4 or higher chosen when this Charm is activated by one mote, to a minimum of zero. The discount applies to any given roll as a whole, rather than individual invocations of Solar Essence Overwhelming. If the discount is to apply to more than one Ability at a time, this Charm must be activated again in subsequent actions, repaying all costs including the Willpower. At Essence 3, the maximum mote discount this Charm can provide is equal to the character's permanent Essence. Once the character has attained Essence 4, this limit is removed.

Perfected Essence Flow
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Infinite Solar Mastery

The Essence of the Solar Exalted flows through them and brings their intentions and actions into perfect harmony. Purchasing this Charm allows the Solar to invoke Solar Essence Overwhelming as an anima ability rather than a Charm. As such, it is explicitly immune to effects which disrupt Charms, and may be used in situations where Charms may not normally be activated. In addition, the Duration of Infinite Solar Mastery is extended to Indefinite. The discount provided by Infinite Essence Mastery explicitly continues to apply to Solar Essence Overwhelming as long as the motes remain committed except when Solar Essence Overwhelming is used as an anima ability through the effects of this Charm.

Abyssal Exalted
All rules and Charms written above for Solars are copied except as noted here. All instances of the word Solar are replaced with the word Abyssal, and the word Perfected with the word Necrotic. In addition, the following Charm is added to the list of General Charms available for purchase.

Ravening Mouth of Oblivion
Cost: 3m; Mins: (Ability) 4, Essence 3; Type Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Abyssal Essence Resurgent

Touched by the endless hunger of Oblivion, Abyssal Exalted can learn to extend their animas through their mastery of Abilities, drinking Essence from the suffering they inflict. Whenever the deathknight takes an action or activates a Charm from any Ability they have rated at 4 dots or above, she regains one mote for every level of damage the action or Charm inflicts to sentient beings as if she had bitten the victims directly. Indirect damage to that target also awards motes, such as health levels paid as part of the costs of defensive Charms. Abyssals cannot use this Charm to feed through the effects of spells or from ongoing damage after the initial application. The Abyssal can never gain more than 20 motes during a single one of her actions from any combination of Charms including Ravening Mouth of Oblivion.

Infernal Exalted
All Infernal Excellencies of their Favored Yozis are automatically learned once the prerequisites are met and do not need to be repurchased with increases of Essence. Therefore, all Infernals learn (Yozi) Essence Overwhelming and (Yozi) Essence Triumphant for two Yozis at character creation (Shadow Spite Curse instead for Ebon Dragon Favored Infernals). When any of the Infernal non-Excellency General Charms are learned, they are learned for both of the Exalt's Favored Yozis. If the Infernal wishes to learn any of the other Excellencies, she must pay the full written price for each, including the repurchasing at every Essence increase.

Lunar Exalted
All rules and Charms written above for Solars are copied except as noted here. All instances of the word Solar are replaced with the word Lunar. All instances of the value (Attribute + Ability) are replaced with (Attribute), and any instances of the value (Ability) with (Attribute). Lunars are exempt from the rule requiring Abilities to be greater than zero for Essence Overwhelming. In addition, remove the Charms Infinite Mastery and Essence Flow, and add the Charms below to the list of General Charms available for purchase.

Instinctive Lunar Unity
Cost: 2m+, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Lunar Essence Overwhelming

Lunar Exalted find ways to become perfectly in touch with their natures. Every two motes committed to this Charm reduces the cost of Lunar Essence Overwhelming for a single Attribute ranked 4 or higher chosen when this Charm is activated by one mote, to a minimum of zero. The discount applies to any given roll as a whole, rather than individual invocations of Lunar Essence Overwhelming. If this discount is to apply to more than one Attribute at a time, this Charm must be activated again in subsequent actions, repaying all costs including the Willpower. The maximum discount this Charm can provide is equal to the character's Permanent Essence.

Flawless Lunar Focus
Cost: None; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Lunar Essence Resurgent

Lunars are naturally instinctive creatures. Purchasing this Charm, the character becomes able to tap into a more specific instinctive mastery over the relevant Attribute. Purchase of this Charm allows the purchase of Attribute Specialties and provides one free, which must be from one of the Lunar's Caste or Favored Attributes. Rules for Attribute Specialties are detailed on page 142 of Manual of Exalted Power: Lunars.

Terrestrial Exalted
All rules and Charms written above for Solars are copied except as noted here. All instances of the word Solar are replaced with the word Terrestrial. All instances of the value (Attribute + Ability) are replaced with (Ability + Specialty), and reduce the cost of Terrestrial Essence Overwhelming to 1 mote per 2 dice. In addition, remove the Charms Essence Triumphant, Infinite Mastery and Essence Flow, and add the Charm below to the list of General Charms available for purchase.

Terrestrial Ability Reinforcement
Cost: 1m per 2 dice + 1m per subject, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Touch
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Terrestrial Essence Overwhelming

The greatest strength of the Dragon-Blooded is their capacity for teamwork. This Charm allows the Dragon-Blooded to grant her allies a portion of her own strength, if only temporarily. A Dragon-Blood with this Charm can improve the Ability ratings of up to her Essence in allies up to her own ratings for brief periods of time. The Dragon-Blood must spend one mote for every ally to be augmented and one mote for every two dice that are added to each person’s rating in relevant Abilities. The Charm has two limitations. First, no ally’s Ability ratings can be raised above the Ability ratings of the Exalt who invokes this Charm. Second, no ally’s Ability ratings can be increased to more than twice its normal rating. Therefore, the ally must have at least one dot in the Ability for this Charm to affect him at all. All allies to be affected must hold hands at the time of the Charm’s activation and this Charm may only be used to enhance a single Ability in any one action. If more Abilities are to be enhanced, the Charm must be activated again in subsequent actions, repaying all costs including the Willpower.

Sidereal Exalted
All rules and Charms written above for Solars are copied except as noted here. All instances of the word Solar are replaced with the word Sidereal. All instances of the value (Attribute + Ability) are replaced with (Essence + Internal Penalty). In addition, remove the Charms Essence Triumphant, Essence Resurgent, Infinite Mastery and Essence Flow, and add the Charms below to the list of General Charms available for purchase.

Fateful Essence Auspicious
Cost: (2m per TN reduction); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Sidereal Essence Overwhelming

Sidereals with this Charm are known for their phenomenal luck. This Charm upgrades Sidereal Essence Overwhelming, allowing the Sidereal to spend motes altering the target number of her rolls as a separate function of the Charm. Every two motes spent on this function reduces the target number by 1. When used on a static value such as DV, this Charm increases that value by 1 for every 10 dice in the static pool calculation at TN 6, 1 for every 5 dice at TN 5 and 1 for every 3 dice at TN 4. This increase is still subject to the limitation on Charms adding to static values (see Exalted, page 185). Target numbers may not be reduced below 4. Attempting to do so forces an auspicious success, converting all dice in the pool to automatic successes or setting a static value to its maximum Charm-aided value, at the cost of 1 Willpower. Altering target numbers does not count towards the dice adding limit.

Propitious Ability Alignment
Cost: 2m+, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisites: Fateful Essence Auspicious

By tuning her anima to resonate with the Loom of Fate, a Sidereal can use her Essence with greater efficiency. Every two motes committed to this Charm reduces the mote cost of Sidereal Essence Overwhelming for a single Ability ranked 4 or higher chosen when this Charm is activated by one mote, to a minimum of 0. The discount applies to any given roll as a whole, rather than individual invocations of Sidereal Essence Overwhelming. If the discount is to apply to more than one Ability at a time, this Charm must be activated again in subsequent actions, repaying all costs including the Willpower. At Essence 3, the maximum mote discount this Charm can provide is equal to the character's permanent Essence. Once the character has attained Essence 4, this limit is removed.
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